Our areas of operation in Estonia and abroad include individual consultation and advice as well as the preparation of complete work programmes, project implementation and supervision. If necessary, we involve experts from outside our company.

Expertise and services
Our areas of operation in Estonia and abroad include individual consultation and advice as well as the preparation of complete work programmes, project implementation and supervision. If necessary, we involve experts from outside our company.

- Location selection for on-site treatment systems (infiltration systems, infiltration basins, soil filters)
- Surface and groundwater monitoring, water sampling
- Water intake feeding zone projects
- Hydrogeological surveys
- Hydrogeological modelling
- Assessment of groundwater resources
- Water catchment research
- Water remediation research
- Pollution research
- Smaller hydrotechnical projects

- Waste management plans
- Waste research, including waste sorting research
- Pollution research

- Bird population research
- Vegetation research
- Natural habitat inventories
- Aquatic research (in collaboration with partners)

Ambient Air
- Applied research and plans in collaboration with partners

- Geotechnical research
- Geological research
- Mineral research
- Hydrogeological research
- Hydrogeological modelling
- Pollution research
- Mine remediation projects, restoration projects in mined areas

Strategic Plans
- Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
- Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
- Preliminary estimate of the environmental assessment
- Preliminary estimate of the strategic environmental assessment
- Preliminary investigation
- Environmental management plans
- Environmental permit applications
- Environmental monitoring
- Preparation of project applications and development plans
- Environmental auditing
- Preparation of instructional and training materials
- Introduction of environmental management systems
- Preparation of strategies and development plans in the environmental field

Applied research
- Borehole drilling
- Cleaning up contaminated site

Biggest clients:

Cooperation partners: